
Friday 29 November 2019

The Maori Treaty

In 1830 there were 100,000 Māori and 200 Europeans living in New Zealand. The behaviour of the Whalers, the Missionaries’ desire to help protect Māori rights and the Musket Wars were reasons that a treaty was needed. The Declaration of Independence was another contributing factor to the need for a treaty.

Lawless behaviour was bad because it caused death and there was no peace
Because there was no treaty there was no laws against killing people so they could kill without a care in the world. And because they were using underaged Maori women as prostitute which had a negative effect on women and Maori kind. Many underage Maori women were being used as prostitutes because there were no laws against it and it caused sexual diseases like chlamydia because the sailors were out on sea for so long they become ruthless when they came back in to shore and because there were no laws they could kill without caring. Without laws and treaties New Zealand would be a place full of death.

The Missionaries were good to the Maori. Because it helped the Maori learn to cook different foods, speak in different languages and build better tools. Most Maori can speak in different languages Maori can cook different foods from other cultures Maori can make better tools. I think it was good that the Maori meet the missionaries because they learnt more about culture.

The musket wars were dangerous. The musket wars caused thousands of Maori to die which was bad because they were innocent people who got killed for no reason. If the musket wars had never happened then many innocent Maori people wouldn't have been killed.

The declaration of independence was a big part of New Zealand because is protected the Maori rights. I think the Maori should have the right to live independently because If other people have the right to live independently why shouldn’t Maori. Maori changed a lot when they got there own flag and became an independent country.

In conclusion, a treaty was needed because underaged women were being used as prostitutes
And lots of Maori lives were lost because there was no treaty.

Tuesday 26 November 2019

The Greenhouse Effect

What is the greenhouse effect?

The greenhouse effect is a warming of Earth's surface and the air above it. It is caused by gases in the air that traps energy from the Sun. These heat-trapping gases are called greenhouse gases.

The most common greenhouse gases are water vapor, carbon dioxide, and methane.

What are the effects of Global warming?

Some effects of global warming are melting glaciers, sea ice and shifting precipitation patterns.

What is the solution to climate change?

A solution to climate change is Stoping greenhouse gases Transportation is the second leading source of greenhouse gas emissions in the U.S so people should bike or walk more.

Thursday 24 October 2019

Should we ban dangerous Sports?

Should we ban dangerous sports?

Many people do dangerous sports like skydiving, mountain climbing and white water rafting every day. I think that dangerous sports shouldn’t be banned because people have the right to choose what they want to do with their life. I think this because It doesn't affect others or their lives so why shouldn’t they have the right to do dangerous sports if you want to live life on the edge then you should be allowed to do that.

Everyone has the right to do what makes them happy. Dangerous sports might be scary for some people but some people like to do them for fun. If it makes them happy then it’s okay because they're doing it even if there are risks they chose to take them because they think it’s fun and it gives them confidence and satisfaction.

I think that dangerous sports shouldn’t be banned but the people who do them should be more careful.

Tuesday 22 October 2019

Kilauea - Hawaii’s Constantly Erupting Volcano

Kilauea is one of the world’s most active volcanoes. It is a shield-type volcano that makes up the southeastern side of the Big Island Hawaii. The volcano rises about 1.277112 kilometers above sea level and is about 14 percent of the land area of the Big Island. The summit caldera contains a lava lake known as Halema`uma`u that is said to be the home of the Hawaiian volcano goddess, Pele.

Hawaii's Kilauea volcano began erupting in January 1983 with a spectacular arching lava fountain. This photo was taken on Feb. 25, 1983. 

Kilauea’s frequent eruptions are usually nonexplosive and are contained within Halema‘uma‘u as a boiling lake of active lava, which sometimes rises and overflows along the floor and flanks of the caldera proper. In 1790, however, a paroxysmal steam explosion killed part of a Hawaiian army marching near the caldera.

4 spatulas of potassium iodide in 20ml of water

35% hydrogen peroxide
h202 >  H20+02

Wednesday 18 September 2019



100kg beef
1 Wraps per person
2 cups leaf lettuce, shredded
½ cup grated cheese ½ cup of grated carrot
steak sauce




The Souvlaiki was really good I wouldn't change the recipe 

Monday 2 September 2019

Essay Pre-Planning:children of Blood of Bone

My  key event is when inan burnt down ilorin (zelies home)
and three things that changed to do with zelie were

Tuesday 20 August 2019

Technology Addictions

Image result for phoneAre students addicted to there cell phones? If so is that a problem? I think that it depends on what age they are when they get it. For instance if your young when you get your phone there will be more to learn but if you're older then you won't have as much to learn because you have been taught most of it already. Something else that can make people addicted to there phone is the apps you have on it or if you don't have any wifi because if you don't then there won't be as much stuff you can do on it compared to if you do have wifi.

Friday 16 August 2019

Tech And Change

Alot of stuff has happened to technology since the past  here are some example
Ps devices from the past to Ps devices in the present 
Ps1Image result for is the ps PspImage result for psp
PsvitaImage result for psvitaPs2 Image result for ps2
Ps3 Image result for ps3Ps4 Image result for ps4

Wednesday 7 August 2019

Title The Power of one

Author or Director John G. Avildson

Keywords from the question important techniques, created impact, link back to the essay question, (use keywords), this technique created impact.

Outline of ideas (list your 3 to 4 techniques tracking, panorama, medium shot and establishing shot.

The director used a medium shot at 1.29.21 to show the big line of people waiting for the bathroom I counted and there are about 70 to 78 people waiting and the South Africans had one toilet per every 200 people.

They used a medium shot to show all the people waiting at the toilet and PK running past the people mining next to the path.

The show the South Africans lived a bad life through apartheid.

This camera shot helped me by showing me how poorly treated the South Africans were treated compared to how the english were treated.

This medium shot helps the audience understand that the South Africans lives were bad compared to the English peoples. This is because Maria's house was big and probably had more than one toilet because the South African servants wouldn’t have been able to use the same toilets as the English people.

The director used a tracking shot to make the camera focus on the main characters to show what the characters can see and to see how P.K reacted to how poorly the South Africans were being treated

Friday 26 July 2019

Boomerang work

In social studies today we made boomerangs to help us learn about the aboriginal culture of Australians my boomerang has random things painted on it. Something that went well while painting the boomerang was the design I think that is the boomerang looks like it would be something you would see in Australia 

Tuesday 23 July 2019

Quotes from the book children of blood and bone

Chapter 22 - Amari

I pause for a moment, aghast at the number of them filling the narrow path. Before today, I caught only glimpses of the laborers brought in to staff the palace—always pleasant, clean, groomed to Mother’s satisfaction. Like Binta, I thought they lived simple lives, safe within the palace walls. I never considered where they came from, where else they might have ended up, “Skies…” It’s almost too hard to bear the sight. Mostly, diviners, the laborers outnumber the villagers by hordes, dressed in nothing but tattered rags. Their dark skin blisters under the scorching sun, marred by the dirt and sand seemingly burned into their beings. Each is hardly more than a walking skeleton. 

a message I take from this scene is that Amari felt bad for the people being poorly treated because she thought that they lived better lives

Chapter 26 - Inan

“How long?” she breathes. “How long have you been a Maji?”
She hisses the word like it’s a curse. Like I’m the spitting image of Lekan. Not the boy she’s known since birth. The soldier she’s trained for years.
“The girl infected me. It’s not permanent.”
“You’re lying.” Her lips peel back in disgust. “Are you…are you working with her?”
“No! I was looking for clues!” I step forward. “I know where she is–”
“Stay back!” Kaea screams. I freeze, hands in the air. There’s no recognition in her eyes.
Only unbridled fear.

A message I received from this scene is that he is seeing himself as being like Lekan

Chapter 28 – Amari

Be brave, Amari. This time I hold onto Binta’s words, wrapping them around my body like a suit of armor. I can be brave.

A message I received from this scene is amari is using bintas words to help her stay brave and trying to use that power to avenge binta

Chapter 33 – Zélie
Gods help us. I close my eyes, trying to drown the tragedy out. Through it all, the cheers never stop. The praise never ends. As we stand on the platform, the crowd rejoices as if there’s a reason to celebrate this bloodbath.
Beside me, Tzain holds me close; he hasn’t really let go since he carried me from the ship. He keeps his expression vacant, but I can sense his remorse.
Though the competitor in him has prevailed, we’re still covered in the blood of those who have fallen. We may have triumphed, but this is no victory.

A message I received from this scene is that z
élie in scared

Chapter 36 - Zélie

“Those are father’s words, Inan. His decisions. Not yours. We are our own people. We make our own choices.”
“But he’s right.” Inan’s voice cracks. “If we don’t stop magic, Orïsha will fall.”
His eyes return to me, and I tighten my grip on my staff. Try it, I want to bark. I’m done running away.
Amari redirects Inan’s line of vision, her delicate hands cupping the back of his head.
“Father is not the future of Orïsha, brother. We are. We stand on the right side of this. You can stand there, too.”

Inan stares at Amari, and for a moment I don’t know who he is. The ruthless captain; the little prince; the scared and broken Maji? There’s a longing in his eyes, a desire to give up the fight. But when he lifts his chin, the killer I know comes back.

A message I received from this scene is about making choices in life

Chapter 39 - Inan
My handshakes. The moment to kill still hangs between us. Yet I can’t bring myself to move.
Not when all I see is the scared and broken girl.
It’s like seeing her for the first time: the human behind the Maji. Fear embedded in the pain. The tragedy caused in Father’s name.
The truth sears, a bitter liquor burning down my throat.
Zélie’s memories don’t hold the villains Father always warned of. Only families, he tore apart.

A message I received from this scene is that Inan felt bad about
Zélies past and that it was his dads/the king's fault. knowing the truth can hurt but it can free you.

Chapter 41 – Inan

Looking at Zélie, I finally have the answer to the question I was too afraid to ask. I cannot be like Father.
I will not be that type of king.
I let go of her wrists, but inside I let go of so much more. Father’s tactics. His Orïsha. Everything I now realize I don’t want to be.
My duty has always been to my kingdom, but it must be for a better Orïsha. A new Orïsha.
A land in which a prince and a maji could coexist. A land where even Zélie and I could be a “we.”
If I am to truly fulfill my duty to my kingdom, that is the Orïsha I must lead.

A message I received from this scene is that Inan wanted the best for Orisha and thought that killing the Maji would do that but now he knows that isn't true. Being a good leader means not hurting others because they are different.

Chapter 49 – Amari

Strike, Amari. Father’s voice rings in my head, but it’s not his strength I need. Be brave, Amari. Binta soothes instead. Be the Lionaire.

A message I received from this scene is that strength is the ability to say no to someone who is telling you to do bad things no matter who it is

Chapter 59 – Zélie
“How will me coming back to Lagos solve any of that?” I ask. “As we speak,
your father calls for my head!”
“My father’s scared.” Inan shakes his head. “He’s misguided, but his fear is
justified. All the monarchy’s ever seen is the destruction maji can bring.
They’ve never experienced anything like this.” He gestures to the camp, face
alight with so much hope his smile practically glows in the darkness. “Zulaikha
created this in one moon, and there are already more diviners in Lagos than
anywhere else in Orïsha. Just imagine what we could accomplish with the
resources of the monarchy behind us.”

A message I take from this scene is that Inan thinks the king is just scared of the power of the Maji and thinks that they could make peace by making the king know that they aren't evil

Chapter 74 – InanNote: This time you have not been provided a quote from the story. This is an explanation.

King Saran firmly believes in duty over self. Peace between Maji and kosidán failed in the past, so he does not want to try again. Inan believes he must make a similar choice between his country and his heart. He makes the same choice as his father, even though the majacite sword blisters his own skin (this is symbolism). Inan gives up everything to be everything his Father wants.

A message I take from this scene is that Inan has to choose either do his duty or follow his heart which is probably a hard choice because if he chooses duty his true love dies and if he chooses his heart his dad could die.

Thursday 4 July 2019

My Food Bag Semester 1

During this semester we were learning about making a healthy balanced food bag. I chose to make spaghetti bolognese for teenagers. I chose to make spaghetti bolognese because I remembered one time making spaghetti bolognese and really enjoying making it. It was easy to make and it tasted very nice so I think that most of the teenager will like it too and it is packed with good nutrients and healthy vegetables.

Profile Target: Teenagers 

What foods do they like
What foods do they dislike
Most Vegetables
FISH AND CHIPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




FIZZY DRINKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • 1 onion, roughly chopped
  • 1 carrot, peeled, finely grated
  • 1 courgette, trimmed, finely grated
  • 1 half a bag of spinach
  • 250g/1lb 2oz lean beef mince
  • 400g tin chopped tomatoes
  • 2 tbsp tomato sauce with herb
  • 1 tsp dried coriander
  • 1 beef stock
  • 300g/10½oz dried spaghetti
  • freshly ground black pepper
  • grated Parmesan cheese, or Edam cheese
  • optional : beans


  1. Bring a pot of salted water to the boil.
  2. Add spaghetti and cook for 8 – 10 min.
  3. Test for al dente texture.
  4. Drain through a colander or sieve.
  5. Heat 1 T oil in the frying pan.
  6. Add chopped onion and garlic.
  7. Sauté briefly.
  8. Add mince. Break lumps and cook until browned. Add grated carrot.
  9. Put tomato sauce, chopped tomatoes, and herbs into a small bowl. Mix together.
  10. Add to the mince. Stir together with a wooden spoon.
  11. Turn element down and simmer gently for 15 min. 
  12. Taste. Add pepper and salt if needed.
  13. Serve sauce with spaghetti. 
Top with grated cheese and freshly chopped parsley.  

Thursday 30 May 2019

Making salt

Aim; To produce copper sulfate by reacting copper oxide with an acid.


1. Add 2oml of sulfuric acid to 100 ml beaker. Heat the acid until it reaches 70 c. Turn off your bunsen burner.

2. Once heated use a spatula to add pea-sized portions of copper oxide to the beaker stir the mixture for 30 seconds.

3. Repeat step 2 until no more will dissolve. Allow the beaker to cool enough to hold at the top. the contents should still be hot you may need your teacher to complete this step.

4. Fold the filter paper and place it in the funnel. Place the filter funnel into the second beaker.

5. Make sure the beaker is cool enough to hold at the top. The contents should still be hot. You may need your teacher to complete this step.

6. Gently swirl the contents of the beaker to mix and then our into the filter paper in the funnel. Allow to filter through.

7. Rince the beaker you used to heat the mixture previously and place it back on top of your tripod with 50-60 ml of water.

8. Place the evaporating basin on top of the beaker and carefully pour some of the solutions from the beaker into the evaporating basin.

9. Gently heat the beaker until the solution in the evaporating basin has reduced by half.

10. Leave the evaporating basin to cool. Once cool, move the evaporating basin to a warm place where it will not be disturbed ( i.e a window sill) and observe over the next few days. Blue copper sulfate crystals should form.

Tuesday 28 May 2019

Making Homemade Indicators

Aim: To Make acid-base indicators using everyday substances.

Equipment: Tea bag, Beaker, Water, Tripod, Bunsen burner, Gauze mat, 1.0 mol L-1 HCI and 1.0 mol L-1 NaOH.

Method: Put 100 ml of water into beaker and boil.

Turn off the Bunsen burner and put three tea bags in the beaker.

Remove the tea bags when the tea is very strong.

Place in a small beaker and leave to one side.

This is what happened when the tea touched the acid and the base. The color turns lighter with the acid and darker with the base.

Thursday 23 May 2019

The director uses a close up aspect when sergeant Bormann Was interrogating Geel Piet

To show their facial expressions

Makes us feel worried for Geel Piet and angry at sergeant Bormann

The director also used a close up in the scene where Pk sees marie

Wednesday 22 May 2019


In English, we are learning to make S.E.X.X.Y. paragraphs on film making. I am doing mine with Nathan.

The director is using a long shot to show that the guard in prison is making sure that the black Africans are doing something that they are meant to be and making sure that they are not up to no good.

In this scene, the director uses the aspect of a long shot. The director uses a long shot we see the guard's legs and a baton that is either on a belt or in his hand and we see P.K, Doc and Geel Piet standing in a doorway while the guard is looking at them. The director uses the long shot to make the scene more worrying because the guard looks more intimidating. The audience feels more worried about Geel Piet because the guard might beat him. The long shot makes him look more intimidating.
Critical Literacy:

What does the director of the film The Power of One John Avildsen want us to know?

That everyone in the world is equal and they are not different

How does the text depict Black Africans ?/ Afrikaners? and the  South Africans

Is the text fair in how it depicts these people?

No, because  everybody is equal and they are not different  

Monday 20 May 2019

Atomic science

Aim: My aim is to make an accurate Neon Atom model

Materials: beads, paper, pencil, tape, Blue tac and string

Method: Get all the materials.
              Stick all the red beads to the outer rings off string forming electron particles
              Stick Blue tack in the middle stick two other colored beads to the blue tack stick it to the                      paper
Discussion: There are 3 types of particles
 Protons - give off positive charges
 Neutrons - give off neutral charges
 Electrons - give off negative charges


Conclusion: I think I could work on finishing it faster.

My Life In London

My time in London was terrible everyone I held dearest to me had died from either cholera, typhoid of typhus. All I was ever taught was work work work and I despised it. One day while I was strolling to work I noticed a poster advertising a place called New Zealand it said New Zealand a new beginning meet at the ship dock tomorrow if you would like a new beginning with better education and more job opportunity's I decided I would go. the next day when I got to the dock there was a person in front of a humungous ship he was waiting for the fellow people who wanted to go to New Zealand. When we got on the boat it started to move I was kinda sad at first because I was leaving my home the place I was raised my native land but I was excited I was about to have a new beginning I think it took about maybe 75 to 120 days to get there. while we were on the boat we played games and looked at the aquatic view.

When we eventually got to New Zealand all I saw was mountains and a path so I followed it. Not too long after we saw a small city that helped us out with housing I was shocked when I saw the houses because the houses back in London there was barely any room to even stand live but here there was loads of room in the houses additionally it kinda smelt fresher because it was less polluted.

Friday 3 May 2019

textiles 2019

In textiles we made a thing of our choking I chose to make a pencil case

My aim is to make a working pencil case
In textiles I chose to make it out of camo fabric because  It matches some of my other stuff
  this is the end results 
I liked the end result
I didn't like amount of time it took to make it

Monday 8 April 2019

Kate Sheppard's role in human rights

Kate Sheppard

Who is kate Sheppard?

In 1885, Kate Sheppard founded the Women's Christian Temperance Union
and, two years later she became leader of its suffrage campaign. She died
in New Zealand in 1934.

Where did Kate Sheppard come from?

Kate Sheppard came from Liverpool, England, Kate Sheppard moved to
New Zealand in the late 1860s.

What is Kate Sheppard's background?

in her early twenties and in 1871 she married a merchant called Walter
Sheppard. In 1885 she joined the WCTU, which publicly recommended
women's suffrage as a means to fight to ban liquor.

What is Kate Sheppard's interest in human rights?

Kate Sheppard continued to work at home and abroad for women's rights
from contraception to freedom from the corset. ... She died on 13 July 1934,
a year after the first woman MP, Labor's.