What is the difference between Hygiene and Personal Safety?
One is cleanliness and one keeps you safe
How would you have demonstrated these in the two practicals you have done so far?
c. When we use chicken what are some key things you need to remember to ensure your food is safe to eat?
a. What is Bacteria?
A single cell that is somtimes good like yest but most are bad
b. What do bacteria need to survive?
Moisture, warmth, food, air, Ph balance and time
c. Give 3 examples of how we avoid spreading bacteria?
wash your hand before handling food. keep leftover ingredients / food in a air
tight container. make sure the food is left in a place with a temperature around 2 - 4 in the
fridge and -18 in the frezzer
d. What does the term cross contamination mean and what is it’s effect on you
when bacteria goes from one spot to another and i could get contaminated by food
someone else shared with me
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